Bhavesh Patel
West Midlands
Storyteller is a purpose driven business with a direct social mission, which focuses on using its travel accessory products to make a global impact. 10% of every sale directly funds educational programmes and workshops for less privileged children and adults around the world.
Closer to home, we help start-ups in the UK to create strategies to directly impact social issues that they are passionate about through their business. It is the Storyteller belief that you don't have to be a multinational company to have a CSR strategy and having a genuine commitment to making social change embedded in your strategy straight from its inception, is just good business.
Education is the area that Storyteller wants to make its mark and encourage change: Approximately 773 million adults around the world are illiterate, and it is clear that this is a cycle that's hard to break. This not only has a long-term consequence for the individuals affected, but also for the next generation who become part of a repeat cycle of inequality and poverty. Our aim is not only to raise awareness and funds for educational programmes, but also to help individuals create a better long future and build sustainable local communities.
In collaboration with local and international charities, the Storyteller team have helped run and fund educational workshops for adults and children in Liberia, Tanzania, Nepal and India.
Most recently, in June 2019, the Storyteller team visited India and Nepal. We worked on different educational projects, including a number of non-conventional schools (school in the park etc). As well as teaching general school subjects, we also focused on teaching social skills, and led workshops discussing the importance of gender equality and the environment.
We also renovated (paint, carpets, shelving etc) 2 local village schools in Nepal.